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News > OS News > Fascinating news sought from OS Community

Fascinating news sought from OS Community

3 Jun 2024
Written by Jennifer Law
OS News

The 2025 issue of the Old Stortfordian is in the making…. To make the issue a big success we need fascinating news from our thriving Old Stortfordian Community!

If you have recently enjoyed an informal OS reunion, graduated (at any age!), had a career success or change of direction, got married, welcomed a new addition to the family or said goodbye to an OS loved one we would love to hear from you.

Photographs to accompany the information would be hugely appreciated.

Format: By completing this simple form.

Article word count: No more than 350 words

Photographs: As high-resolution as possible - sent via if possible to

If you need any further assistance, please do not hesitate to contcat Jennifer Law at

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