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News > OS News > OS Society seeking industry expert volunteers to join OS Committee

OS Society seeking industry expert volunteers to join OS Committee

30 May 2024
Written by Jennifer Law
OS News

OS Society seeking industry expert volunteers to join OS Committee

Over the past thirteen years the College Development Office has implemented a broad ranging communications and events programme which previously used to be supported by the OS Committee. As a result, what the OS Society do as a Committee needed to change as they wished to work closer with the School Development Office to support their initiatives but also work in other areas where both wanted to offer more opportunities to all OS Society members.  

With this in mind, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed in May 2023 by Past Presidents' Chris Forster and Steve Ross on behalf of the OS Committee, and School Head Kathy Crewe-Read, which set out the direction of travel to make all this possible. With the MoU in place, the Committee worked on refreshing the OS Rules to enable this new way of working with the new rules ratified at the OS AGM in March 2024.

A vital new part of the revised OS Rules was the restructuring of Committee membership to welcome OS industry experts onto the Committee to work with the OS Society & College Development Office to maximise the positive impact of activities for the benefit of OS members.

Volunteering to join the Committee for an initial period of two years (four meetings per year – in person or virtual), elected ‘Network Leaders’ will share their insight and expertise in one of five specific areas and work as ambassadors for the OS Society & College Development Office, supporting activities and mobilising their networks and beyond in positive support of relevant activities.

Experienced and enthusiastic OS Network Leaders sought fall into five categories:

  • Communications Network Leader
  • Mentoring & Careers Network Leader
  • Events Network Leader
  • Fundraising Network Leader
  • Sports Network Leader

Initial applications over summer 2024 are sought from OS interested in joining the Committee with an interest and expertise to act as Network Leaders in Communications, Mentoring & Careers and Events.

Broad descriptions for each of the three roles are included below:

Communications Network Leader


Leads on professional communications expertise and audience insight into communications activities. Mobilises a network of communication professionals able to help craft and hone narratives and visual content for maximum participation and engagement in the programme. The network could meet in person, by sharing ideas on the Foundation portal, or virtually.

Duties include:

  • Liaising with the Director of Development or other members of the Development team to identify key priorities for network engagement.
  • Mobilising a volunteer network of talented OS communications experts to help with the various elements of the communications plan.
  • Experts may have experience in internal communications, PR, External Relations, Public Affairs, General Communications, Marketing, Film, social media, or Journalism.
  • Attending all Committee meetings in person or virtually to feed back on the Communications Network activities.

Mentoring & Career Network Leader


Leads on cultivating engagement with our professional community. Mobilises a network of industry leaders to help the College to deliver a successful mentoring and careers programme.

Main duties:

  • Liaising with the Director of Development (or relevant member of the Development team) and College career professionals to identify key priortities and new initiatives for careers and mentoring engagement.
  • Attending networking events and mobilising a volunteer network of OS professionals to act as ambassadors for the College and the OS Society.
  • Attending all Committee meetings in person or virtually to feedback on mentoring and networking activities.

Events Network Leader


Leads on increasing annual event engagement by sharing invitations with networks. Mobilises a network of event ambassadors to help the OS and College promote and facilitate the programme.

Main duties:

  • Liasing with the Director of Development or relevant team members to identify and litmus test key priorities and new initiatives for the event programme.
  • Mobilising a volunteer network of OS to help engage the community with our reunion and wider event programme.
  • Attending all Committee meetings in person or virtually to feed back on the Fundraising Network activities

To register interest in the three initial network leader roles Communications, Mentoring & Careers and Events suitably experienced OS are kindly asked to complete this short form and provide brief details as to their suitability for election to the role.

Interest is requested to be submitted by 12 July – should demand for roles necessitate it, digital elections will take place during August 2024 with successful appointment in time for the next OS Committee meeting on Tuesday 10 September.

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