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News > Foundation News > College Staff golfers retain trophy despite far from seasonal conditions

College Staff golfers retain trophy despite far from seasonal conditions

Far from ideal weather for our annual OS vs College Staff (past & present) golf tournament at Bishop’s Stortford Golf Club but spirits remained high across the teams.

A fabulous turnout and a close fought competition saw the College Staff, Captained by Stephen Sabey, retain the winning team trophy. A double victory for the College Staff with Gary Law being crowned Best Golfer, closely followed via countback by OS Peter Smith (AH, 64-68) as runner up Best Golfer.

The windy and rainy conditions kept overall scores low but a fabulous opportunity for OS and College Staff to socialise in the spirit of healthy golfing competition.

Huge thanks to all the hardy players with special mention to both Captains, OS James Greenall (GH,AH, 65-74) & Stephen Sabey (Staff, 13-) for all their hard work in making the day such a huge success – hoping for sunshine rather than showers next year!

Any OS golfers interested to finding out more information about the OSGS should reach out to James Greenall (GH, AH, 65-74)
OSGS Secretary at

OS Team

Peter Berendt (GH,AH, 66-74)
James Greenall (GH,AH, 65-74) Captain
Simon Lipscombe (HH,90-95) (Staff, 11-)
Jake Morris (WH,CH, 10-19) (Staff, 22-)
Alan Oakley (HH,SuH, 62-66)
Matthew Precious (NH,HH, 12-20)
Duncan Smart (GH,SH, 75-81)
Peter Smith (AH, 64-68)
Stewart Smith (RPH, 97-01)
Tim Smith (GH, RPH, 63-72)
Keith Turner (GH, HH, 59-66)

College Staff – Past & Present

Ben Baker (Staff, 15-)
Sandy Barnard (Staff, 89-)
Sam Davis (Staff, 19-)
Paul Halls (Staff, 92-)
Gary Law (Staff, 03-20, 23-)
Trevor Novell (Staff, 66-18)
Rod Reed (Staff, 72-18)
Stephen Sabey (Staff, 13-) Captain
David Thomson, Governor
Colin Williams (Staff, 79-17)
Nigel Witherden (76-19)

A full gallery or tournament images can be viewed below, accessible by registering to join, or logging into the Stortfordian Foundation portal.

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