News > Foundation News > Class of 2023 - welcoming our newest cohort of Old Stortfordians

Class of 2023 - welcoming our newest cohort of Old Stortfordians

1st July 2023 - Speech Day for the Class of 2023 

The exams were over and the monumental day that is Speech Day was the perfect opportunity to celebrate all the College achievements and experiences of our Class of 2023.

Speech Day drew to a close the College educational journey for our outstanding leavers from the Class of 2023 but it also signals just the start of their exciting life adventures as an Old Stortfordian.

To mark the occasion, the Stortfordian Foundation invited our Leavers and their families & their teachers to visit our professional photographer during the afternoon to capture some photographs on the iconic Memorial Hall steps - a momento that we hope they will cherish for many years to come as an Old Stortfordian.

Class of 2023 - So proud to welcome you all into our thriving Stortfordian Community- keep in touch - we are so excited to see where life will take you all & if you ever need any help or support, we will be there to guide and support.

OS of any age  are encouraged to  click here to join the Stortfordian Foundation digital community.

A gallery of some of the images of our Class of 2023 is included below 

2023 Leavers and their parents can download the images using the link to the online album sent out by email on 3rd July - for any assistance - please contcat the Foundation team at 

Photo gallery

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Bishop's Stortford College,
School House,Maze Green Rd,
Bishop's Stortford,CM23 2PQ

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+44 (0) 1279 838 575

